Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Cerebellar Hypoplasia

The other day I was pulling out of a parking space on a street off Commercial Drive and my friend was like "Aw, look!"
And I looked to see this beautiful little striped white, black and grey cat with green eyes - so tender.
Then she started walking and she was lifting her feet really weirdly and quickly. It sort of looked like someone put double-sided tape on the bottom of her feet but she didn't look bothered by it.
Then the lady who owned her was like "Oh, thank you for slowing down, she has brain damage called Cerebellar Hypoplasia that affects her motor function" and I was like "Awww" in a really lame-ish tone because I didn't know what she was really talking about. But then I looked it up later, after reflecting on how adorable the kitty was and giggling and found this video.
These cats are often killed at a very young age because it is assumed by the owners that something is wrong with them, when in actuality, they are just fine! They lead lives like any other cat. Totally happy. And they probably make even happier owners because they appear really clumsy and adorable.
In the future if I ever look into fostering cats or adopting again, I'm going to seek out one with Cerebellar Hypoplasia.

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