There is so much wrong with this, I just don't even know what to do with myself.
First of all, he looks like an idiot with this smitten facial expression. Like he hasn't gotten laid in 10 years, his wrinkles are catching up with him and he's trying to make this moment last for the five dollar drink he made this girl to do this for. Of course he put it as his profile picture.
Secondly, this girl was probably either;
1. really drunk,
2. some kind of exhibitionist or
3. simply one of the many girls who have actually been conditioned to feel a (false) sense of appreciation for her body from the vulgar attention of this male and others like him.
Whatever it may be, patriarchy has structured our culture to make homes of acceptance for degrading situations like this. Incidents like these make women objects of male desire that put them on cheap pedestals and give the illusion (which doubles as a justification) that it is simply men enjoying her body.
I can just hear someone saying, 'but it's not like he's making fun of her, he's showing that he enjoys it!' like that would make it okay even if it were true.
Can you honestly tell me that this is a photo that is simply saying 'I love this woman's breasts and she loves it when I do this'?
Although this woman may have nice, commercially-approved breasts that lots of people probably enjoy looking at and being near, this photo is reducing whoever she is to exactly, only these parts of her body. This is what patriarchy installs - that women are perpetually on the fingertips of men, at their leisure, at the beckon of any given man at any given time for anything.
Breasts and happy man, breasts and happy man.
There are so many negative implications about this.
You can't even see her face.
And I mean - not to say that everything should (except in a utopian world) be able to showcase everyone's personality, true beauty and only the most loving of connections, but seriously - this is blatant disregard for whoever this woman is.
The only reason I'd want to become friends with this guy on Facebook would be to see all the various comments that people probably posted about this.
I'm sick just thinking about what his 884 friends would have to say.
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