Check out how cool this dress is. Stumbled across it.
Helmut Lang is the MAN. (TOTALLY just realized how sexist that saying is. I'm officially stopping my use of that saying. From now on, in it's place I will say... Helmut Lang is the bomb/moose juice/beetle brain/fetus!/bee's knees/money.)
I feel like it's nothing I've really seen before. At least not recently.
I also feel like it would fit anyone properly, with the boxy shape at the top and the cinched waist (I spelled that like waste the first time) and then the continual bubble-ish style.
It makes me remember painting at home when I was a little baby and going into the cleaning closet for the smocks that were my dad's old shirts covered in paint and grime (they doubled as rags.)
With a pair of really matte red ankle boots or grey thigh-highs with virtually any really tousled hairstyle, this would be so hot.
Think Madonna with Basquiat.
I feel like it would only complement it too if I didn't shave my legs.
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