Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Best Place on Earth

Some things I heard the other night while downtown.
1. [Going up the escalator at a skytrain station with my little sister] and a guy who is going down the escalator yells 'Cleavage! Cleavage!' and him and his friend laugh hysterically.

2. [Three 20-ish blonde girls running up the stairs super excited, getting everyone riled up and] people randomly holler with Olympic excitement and then this guy says to his friend 'Yeahhhh!!! Woo! Gotta love the blonde girls!... As long as they put out!'

3. [In the crowd at a concert and] a 25-ish guy pushes his friend into my little sister and yells 'Yeah! Give it to her in the ass!'

4. [A very eccentric and sort of feminine-looking guy is sitting with his female friend and they are discussing some pins that they just purchased, quietly to each other and] as soon as they get off the train, these two guys started yelling 'Faggot mother fucker!' and continued guffawing as the train pulled away.

5. [After a mishap at a concert which caused many people to get trampled and the whole event to get called off, I was on the skytrain home and] I overheard a guy talking on his phone who was explaining the situation at the show as 'some bitch broke her leg and she was too fat to carry away'.

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