I absolutely cannot get enough of Vivienne Westwood's Autumn/Winter '09 Collection.
And by can't get enough of, I mean:
1. I refer to the youtube video of her Fall/Winter line when I feel super clueless about what to wear. It never really ever fails...
2. I'm seriously considering purchasing a few things as late birthday gifts to myself. Vogue always tells me that at LEAST twice per annum, I need to splurge on one piece - if not more.
Namely her Anglomania line is what I'm getting at here. I bought a red, plaid huge poncho the other day that definitely just looks like a blanket and landed me a photo with some random super old guy at the Biltmore who was wearing a zebra poncho that he crafted himself from a blanket with some scissors. Seriously.

Anyways yeah, this collection brings plaids and tweeds to the forefront (again) but in a way that doesn't particularly LOOK like the way plaid has been thrown around in the last three seasons or so. Stop thinking square and fitted and think more like bubbles and explosions and too much fabric in too few places.
Somehow Westwood takes androgyny to a new level. A lot of her pieces can be so unisex, which can be easily noted by just browsing over once or twice. She has boys in kilts, she has girls with Peaches mo-mullets clad in layers upon layers of gothic English sailor meets Alice in Wonderland.
We see floral, we see houndstooth, we see plaid, we see fleece. I think I saw a quilt.
Lots of rust tights.
Ridiculously delicious combinations of textures.
Tiny and large infusions of absolutely killer colors among the dreary expectations for typical winter collections.
As per usual, Westwood presents a perfect combo of wearable and couture and wearable couture.
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