Monday, March 15, 2010

Mark your Calendars

"On Sunday, March 21st, a white supremacist group referring to themselves
as “Advocates for White Civil Rights” founded by “president” Travis Annan
and “vice-president” Lee Peacock is planning to march through Coquitlam,
Burnaby and Vancouver. They plan to assemble at Braid skytrain station in
New Westminster at 12 noon then proceed down the line, marching between
stations, and ending at the Vancouver Art Gallery. After this, they have
stated their intention to proceed to Burnaby Mountain Conservation Area,
where they plan on holding a “feast”, in their words. Given the secluded
nature of this area, and the fact that their group includes known violent
offenders, and has demonstrated hostility towards visible minority groups,
this poses an unacceptable threat to public safety. There is currently a
petition to the city of Burnaby, to deny them usage on those grounds.

Numerous groups are massing in opposition to this, there will be a
Multicultural Pride march assembling at Braid station at 11am on the same
day, and proceeding along the same planned route. There will be a wide
variety of entertainment, performances and general revelry at the event,
it is intended to be a peaceful celebration of the lower mainland’s
multicultural community; people of all race, culture and creed are
welcome. There will also be a cohesive, organized presence there, to
prevent any of the participants from being harmed. We are after all
dealing with violent offenders, who have a track record of assaulting
visible minorities. The concept of “white pride” is protected under
freedom of speech, despite the fact that it is being used as a thin veneer
to mask the promotion of hate crimes. We recognize and appreciate this right,
we do not intend to block their planned march. We are there to present the
differing viewpoint, in a safe, positive and fun manner. We ask that all
interested members of Vancouver’s diverse ethnic and cultural
communities join us; to celebrate the differences between us, and to
demonstrate to these individuals and groups that racial hatred
will not go unchallenged in this area."

Need I say more?
Definitely come out and support these groups that are in the anti-rally rally.
Sunday March 21st, at Braid Skytrain Station at 12 noon.

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